Create your Polygon ERC20 Token

Easily deploy Smart Contract for a Standard, Capped, Mintable, Burnable, Payable Polygon ERC20 Token.
No login. No setup. No coding required.

Token Details
Choose a name for your token.
Choose a symbol for your token (usually 3-5 chars).
Insert the decimal precision of your token. If you don't know what to insert, use 18.
Insert the initial number of tokens available. Will be put in your account.
Token Features
10k, Fixed, Unlimited, Capped
None, Ownable, Role Based
Unstoppable, Pausable
Your Token Source Code will be automatically verified on Etherscan.
Remove the link pointing to this page from your contract.
Token Type and Network
Choose your Token Type.
Choose your Network.
Commission Fee: 0 ETH
Gas Fee: Variable